Address of Circassian congress of Israel to Adygeya president about learning Adygeyan language at schools of republic  » <a href="">Адыгея</a> - Новости, события, комментарии, факты

» » Address of Circassian congress of Israel to Adygeya president about learning Adygeyan language at schools of republic 
about&nbsp;learning&nbsp;Adygeyan&nbsp;language&nbsp;at&nbsp;schools&nbsp;of&nbsp;republic&nbsp; 10:57 Пятница 0 2 177
26-01-2007, 10:57
Россия 2 177 0

Address&nbsp;of&nbsp;Circassian&nbsp;congress&nbsp;of&nbsp;Israel&nbsp;to&nbsp;Adygeya&nbsp;president about&nbsp;learning&nbsp;Adygeyan&nbsp;language&nbsp;at&nbsp;schools&nbsp;of&nbsp;republic&nbsp;

Circassian congress (Adyghe zafes) of Israel sent today, on January 26th, a reference to the address of the Adygeya president Aslan Tkhakushinov in occasion of inadmissibility of cancelling compulsory education of the Adygeyan children to their native language at schools of the republic. The co-chairman of the organization “Khabza” Ali Bgane informed that to Natpress. As he said, the paper was sent by fax and, according to the workers of office of the head of the republic, was received.

The text of the reference was also sent Natpress. We give it in a summary.

In the document, in particular, it was written that during the last years the rights of the Adygs in the republic were considerably restrained which cannot form a basis of peace and mutual understanding in Adygeya. And protecting the broken rights they should not be ashamed or afraid of anything. Especially, the authors of the reference stated, when protection of the rights is a duty of the president.

“Today you are the President of Adygeya Republic, - it was stated in the final part of the reference, - and you are considered as the president by the foreign Adygeyan Diaspora. We are sure and we do hope that you will use all your knowledge, will find and will take advantage of competent, politically true approach for protection of the status of the Adygeyan language”.


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