State Ensemble of Folk Songs of Adygeya "Islamey" will perform opera » Адыгея - Новости, события, комментарии, факты

» » » State Ensemble of Folk Songs of Adygeya "Islamey" will perform opera
State Ensemble of Folk Songs of Adygeya "Islamey" will perform opera 12:32 Вторник 0 2 950
13-09-2011, 12:32

State Ensemble of Folk Songs of Adygeya "Islamey" will perform opera

State Ensemble of Folk Songs of Adygeya "Islamey" will perform opera Folk song "Islamey" together with a symphony orchestra, as well as a theater of the republic began rehearsals of the opera. Opera "Rolling distant thunder" on the novel by Isaac Mashbasha "Bziyukskaya Battle" wrote the artistic director and general manager of the ensemble Aslan Nehay. Deputy Culture Minister of Adygeya Nafisa Vasilyev said that in the country opera will be put first and the operator will be present for the 20th anniversary of Adygeya. Theere is not exact date of the premiere yet, but in the days of the anniversary celebrations of the republic must be submitted to the viewer a piece of music from "Rolling distant thunder." In the opera and dance ensemble involving "Nalmes" Chamber Music of Adygeya Theatre named after A. Khanxy, the National Theatre of Adygeya, State Philharmonic of the Republic. In addition, there is a plan to attract the leading soloists of the State Musical Theatre of Kabardino-Balkaria, Moscow, Krasnodar. Aslan Nehay said that the three-act opera tells the story of the tragic fate of the Circassians during the Caucasian wars of the XIX century. Staging of this opera was waiting in the wings since 1983. This massive epic is of great importance for the Circassian people. We all remember that in the Caucasian War (1817-1864) - to join the Russian Empire of the North Caucasus mountains - Circassian tribes (Adyghe, Kabardian, Circassian, Shapsugs) lost 90 percent of the territory and 95 percent of its population. Part of the Circassians had been physically destroyed, and another deported to the Ottoman Empire. From there, the exiles gradually spread throughout the world - in Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Currently, outside of their historical homeland, according to various sources, live from two to four million Circassians. Tsarist Russia had lost in the war nearly a million soldiers. Government of Adygeya in this year allocated 1.5 million rubles for the opera. Operatic roles sound in Russian, but the author hopes in the future and can translate the libretto of the opera at the Circassian (Adyghe) language.

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