Turkey Circassians help flood victims of Adygeya » Адыгея - Новости, события, комментарии, факты

Turkey Circassians help flood victims of Adygeya 15:49 Четверг 0 3 563
1-09-2011, 15:49

Turkey Circassians help flood victims of Adygeya

Turkey Circassians help flood victims of Adygeya At the fund to support flood victims in Adygeya, known public figures of the Circassian world Dzhandemir Cihan, chairman of the Adyghe Hase of Turkey Yasar Hagundokov gave 30 thousand dollars collected by the Circassians, living in Turkey, reported the Caucasian Knot.

During the working meeting on 28 July with then acting head of Adygeya Murat Kumpilov Yasar Hagundokov reported that Circassian (Adyghe) diaspora would help residents of Adygeya.
August 24 with the chairman of the Committee for Nationalities Affairs of the Republic, Relations with Compatriots and media Asker Shhalahov also met representatives of the Adyghe Hase - cities of Ankara and Zafer Suzer and Serkam Khurum who gave another 18 thousand for flood victims in Adygeya.

"Charity mission is not only material but also of great moral significance, since it demonstrates the spiritual unity of representatives of one people, regardless of country of residence and the presence of positive prospects for further development and revival of the Circassian ethnic group," - said Shhalahov.

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