“Adygeya is ready to develop tourism on international level” » Адыгея - Новости, события, комментарии, факты

» » “Adygeya is ready to develop tourism on international level”
“Adygeya is ready to develop tourism on international level” 12:15 Воскресенье 0 2 662
27-06-2010, 12:15
Россия 2 662 0

“Adygeya is ready to develop tourism on international level”

27 June 2010 - 05:09 pm - NatPress

On Lago-Naki plateau (Maykopsky area) there will be a mountain-skiing center of the world level. The Adygeya president Aslan Tkhakushinov declared it at the IV International mass media forum “Interaction in Common Interests”. NatPress quotes that part of the theses of the head of the republic entirely:

« As D.A. Medvedev noted at the recent St.-Petersburg economic forum, Russia in reply to the calls of time changes its model of development. Well-being and high quality of living should be provided not so much due to the national raw sources, but much due its intellectual resources. In the agenda there are innovative development and modernization.

The policy of the state should stimulate structural transformations of the economic and the social spheres together with rapid growth of investment activities.

Adygeya which has achieved for the last three years significant positive transformations in the economic and the social spheres, today is also on the threshold of changes.
You know that at the St.-Petersburg economic forum the agreement on creation in a number of the regions of the south of Russia of a modern highly effective tourist resort zones had been signed. Including in Adygeya - on Lago-Naki plateau.

That will be a mountain-skiing center of the world level. From its party, the republic is practically ready in infrastructural relation to implementation of so scale project - I speak about a lining of roads and the electric energy supply.
This investment project is an opportunity for the deep structural changes of the economy and a guarantee of advancing development.

Also for Adygeya having the serious level of the high school science, today the direction on stimulation of researches of the innovative character is very perspective. We have quite competitive projects in the field of information and health-saving technologies, ecology and wildlife management.

Thus we realize that all our efforts will be successful only at presence of adequate information component.

For this reason the bodies of the republican government are adjusted on constructive cooperation with mass media, opened to them, and are ready to work hand-by-hand in the name of resolution of the problems, which new Russia is engaged in!

We have a considerable experience of such cooperation. In particular, I would like to express special words of gratitude to the president of the newspaper of "Izvestia" Vladimir Konstantinovich Mamontov that a year and a half ago your newspaper, having conceived release of a special colourful addition, devoted to development of the internal tourism of Russia, began the project with Adygeya.

Such level of cooperation, especially in a view of forthcoming innovative changes, we would like to have with all the mass-media presented at this forum.
I know that besides discussions on professional themes, you will see the mountain part of Adygeya.

I can guarantee that after this trip you will enjoy with not only an inflow of your creative inspiration, but also that you will want to visit Adygeya not once. To which we shall be only glad.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you successful work, great creative achievements and the kindest impressions about Adygeya Republic!”

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