Adygeya brought a unique brand of tea » Адыгея - Новости, события, комментарии, факты

Adygeya brought a unique brand of tea 21:38 Суббота 0 2 708
10-09-2011, 21:38

Adygeya brought a unique brand of tea

Adygeya brought a unique brand of tea A new variety of tea was taken and patented by the breeders of Adygeya. New items have already made in the federal register of varieties, and now there is a business plan for a state subsidy.

Tea is the most frost-proof in the world. Successfully experiment showed that the tea bushes were able to withstand temperatures of minus 15 degrees. According to experts, the local climate has given a new variety of tea, unique of properties, because the normal zone growth of tea - subtropical, in which Adygeya does not fall. For example, the tannin content in the new grade - about 16%, while its analogs - only 9%. Tannins - a group of phenolic compounds of plant origin containing a large number of groups of OH.

The tannins have a tanning property and characteristic which astringent tannins taste. In medicine it is used as astringentingg medicine, as an antidote (in case of poisoning by salts of lead, mercury, etc.), as antidiarrhoeal, hemostatic and antihemorrhoidal resources.

The first landing in the town of “Flower” of Maikop region of Adygeya was back in '72. There is now a branch of Adyghe State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops.

Now products are manufactured in small exclusive parties, but in the plans – access to the all-Russian market, such varieties as "Bouquet of Adygeya", "Nart" and not compacted sheets of "Lago-Naki."

There was already put of 500 seedlings of tea, just as many planned to plant in autumn. All this - the mother material, based on which will form the tea plantations. The first harvest of a new hybrid in production quantities planned to get through 7 years.

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